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Ring Prices
2024/2025 Leg Band Prices for Members Only *
Please note that for all band orders, Gary D'Ornellas ( is the person to contact, you may of course order them directly using our secure server at:
Please note that the invoice will not come with your bands as they are generated from our office in Toronto. Coded ring orders generally take approximately eight weeks to arrive once the order has been placed so it is important to order coded bands as soon as possible if you want them to arrive for the November 1st release date. On occasion Canada Customs and Canada Post (although we receive bands by special airmail) are slow in shipping.
The 2025 bands are Black. The 2024 bands are Red.
A $5.00 charge for shipping will be added to each order. For ring orders of more than $50.00 the charge is $15.00 as they are sent via registered mail. Note: coded and uncoded orders will be treated as separate orders and shipped separately.
ALUMINIUM CLOSED RINGS (numbered, dated)
A to K $6.50 per 10
L to S $7.70 per 10
T to Y $18.70 per 10
A to K $6.95 per 10
L to S $8.00 per 10
T to Y $20.00 per 10
Note: Sizes T to Y (uncoded) may be ordered singly but will be charged $4.00 each
STAINLESS STEEL CLOSED RINGS (numbered, dated) - Sizes K TO Y
UNCODED STEEL - $6.00 each, sold singly
CODED STEEL - $7.00 each, minimum order of 5 rings.
PLASTIC SPLITS (undated) - (10 colours available):
SIZES XF to X3: Plain - $4.00 per ten, Numbered - $8.00 per ten,
PLASTIC Spirals - no tool required
SIZES 1FB and 2FB: Plain - $4.00 for ten, Numbered - $8.00 for ten,
METAL SPLITS (numbered, undated)
Numbered, aluminum color with black lettering only, no choice on numbers, unless in stock, or you can wait for them to be ordered, takes up to 6 weeks.
A to S $15.00 per 10
T to Z $25.00 for 10
A to S $16.00 per 10
T to X $26.00 per 10
Y to Z $30.00 per 10
* Please note: Affiliated clubs receive the wholesale price - please ask for a quote.