Closed bands for this order will be foryear bands. (select year)
Please check the year in the box above as it may affect your order.
Closed aluminum or steel rings (year dated and numbered). Please state quantity in the space adjacent to size required and check on aluminum or stainless steel (for sizes K through Y). As it is difficult to know whether "10" means one string of 10 bands or 100 bands, please write the numbers required as 1 string, or 3 strings, etc. As you may purchase single bands in sizes T and larger (and also all the stainless steel bands), please fill in the form as 1 single or 1 string, etc.). You can keep typing at the end of each box, it will scroll.
Quantity: Size A (Aluminum)
Quantity: Size B (Aluminum)
Quantity: Size C (Aluminum)
Quantity: Size D (Aluminum)
Quantity: Size E (Aluminum)
Quantity: Size G (Aluminum)
Quantity: Size J (Aluminum)
Quantity: Size K (Aluminum)
Quantity: Size K (Stainless Steel)
Size L (Stainless Steel)
Quantity: Size L (Aluminum)
Size M (Stainless Steel)
Quantity: Size M (Aluminum)
Size N (Stainless Steel)
Quantity: Size N (Aluminum)
Size P (Stainless Steel)
Quantity: Size P (Aluminum)
Size R (Stainless Steel)
Quantity: Size R (Aluminum)
Size S (Stainless Steel)
Quantity: Size S (Aluminum)
Size T (Stainless Steel)
Size U (Stainless Steel)
Quantity: Size T (Aluminum)
Size V (Stainless Steel)
Quantity: Size U (Aluminum)
Size W (Stainless Steel)
Quantity: Size V (Aluminum)
Size X (Stainless Steel)
Quantity: Size W (Aluminum)
Size Y (Stainless Steel)
Quantity: Size X (Aluminum)
Quantity: Size Y (Aluminum)
Note: Only small quantities of stainless steel bands are kept in stock so please order these well before they are required. Stainless steel bands are not the regular closed bands made of aluminum used at most bird shows - they are not in the year colour, only bright silver!
Member Prices are as follows:
Uncoded:Sizes A to K = $6.50 per 10, sizes
to S = $7.70 per 10, sizes T - Y= $18.70 per 10 or $4.00 each.
Coded: Size A to K=$6.95 per 10, sizes L to S=$8.00 per 10, sizes T to Y=$20.00 per 10.
Note: Sizes T to Y may be ordered singly but will be charged $2.25 each(uncoded) and $2.50 each coded, (minimum order of 5 bands). Example: 25 size uncoded T and 15 size U will be charged as 30@18.00/10 and 10@$2.25=$76.50
Stainless Steel closed bands- Sizes K to Y: Uncoded= $6.00 each, Coded=$7.00 per band-minimum order 5 bands.
Split aluminum bands: are numbered, aluminum color with black lettering only, no choice of numbers unless in stock or you can wait for them to be ordered, takes up to 6 weeks. No tool required.. Please order in multiples of 10 for sizes A through S (ie 1 string of 10 or 2 strings of 10, etc.) or singles in sizes T through Y (ie 3 singles or 10 singles). You can keep typing at the end of each box, it will scroll. Please note, for coded split aluminum band, please go to the coded section.
The following split aluminum rings are required:
Size A, Quantity:
Size B, Quantity:
Size C, Quantity:
Size D, Quantity:
Size E, Quantity:
Size G, Quantity:
Size J, Quantity:
Size K, Quantity:
Size L, Quantity:
Size M, Quantity:
Size N, Quantity:
Size P, Quantity:
Size R, Quantity:
Size S, Quantity:
Size T, Quantity:
Size U, Quantity:
Size V, Quantity:
Size W, Quantity:
Size X, Quantity:
Size Y, Quantity:
Member Prices are as follows:
Uncoded: Sizes A to S = $15.00 per 10, sizes T to Z = $25.00 per 10, T - Z =$4.00 per single,
Coded: A to S=$16.00 per 10, T to X= $26.00 per 10, Y to Z=$30.00 per 10.
Split Plastic Rings are available plain or numbered.
Sizes available are XF, XCS, XCL, XB, X3,
Spiral Plastic Rings are available plain or numbered.
1FB & 2FB.
The following split plastic rings are available (check whether plain or numbered and give your choice of colours (light blue, dark blue, yellow, light green, dark green, red, orange, black, white & mauve although these do change depending on the availability of the stock) or just state "any" or "anything but blue", whatever is appropriate):
Any other requests for split plastics (such as specific striped sizes and colours), please enter here:
Please send
application tools
(free but must be requested - no tool required for 1FB and 2FB bands). Please note: application tool is only for split plastic rings not aluminum or stainless steel. Tool is only meant for application of split plastic bands onto birds' legs and cannot be used for split aluminum bands.
Coded bands (closed aluminum or closed steel are year dated,) are numbered and coded with your individual code. Please do not fill in the closed band section above if you wish coded bands only. Please order in multiples of 10 for sizes A through S, and indicate singles or strings of 10 in sizes T through Y (e.g. 1 string of 10, 2 strings of 10 or 3 singles). Minimum order for sizes T and large is 5 bands. You can keep typing at the end of each box, it will scroll. Coded bands will take between eight and ten weeks to arrive from the supplier. If you need bands quickly, we recommend ordering regular uncoded. And if you have not previously registered a code, we request that you contact the ring registrar Gary D'ornellas directly to do so before sending in your order and check the current code list at We can only accept the following combinations: numbers 0 to 9, the letters A to Z and these symbols + . ' - &. Please use section above for split plastic rings.
Member Prices are as follows:
Closed Aluminum:Sizes A to K= $6.95/10, sizes L to S= $8.00/10, sizes T to Y= $20.00/10.
Stainless Steel- Sizes K to Y= $7.00 ea.
Split Aluminum - A to S= $16.00/10, T to X =$26.00 per 10, Y to Z =$30.00/10 .
Material *
Registrant's Name
* Please choose either closed aluminum (CA), stainless steel (SS), plastic (PL) or split aluminum (SA) or just write your request in the material field (it will scroll). As coded bands do not have the sizes listed on them, we recommend that similar ring sizes have different numbers. Special note: for some reason "N" or "n" does not register on our system so if you are ordering N size coded, please type the words "Size N" or even "Nn" in that line.
Also, stainless steel bands are not the regular closed bands made of aluminum used at most bird shows - they are not in the year colour, only bright silver! These bands are costly and cannot be returned for any reason so once ordered from Europe (usually within 24 hours of receipt of your order) you must pay for them. No coded order can be cancelled or altered once sent to our supplier. Thank you!
Any other requests for coded bands (such as registration to a different person or club member, if you are a ring registrar), please indicate here:
Coded bands of all types take a minimum of 6 to 8 weeks to arrive.
Please do not expect a faster delivery than this. If you need closed bands quickly to band your young birds, please use the "closed aluminum or steel rings" section near the top of this page.
A $5.00 charge for shipping will be added to each order up to a $50.00 value. For orders of more than $50.00 the charge is $18.75 as the order is sent via registered mail, complete fees listed on our price list page) . If you have any special requests such as express mail or courier services, please make them here:
Notes and Policies: Memberships are not refundable for any reason. All ring sales are final. Generally coded bands or any rings that must be ordered from our supplier will take somewhere between 8 and 10 weeks to receive, sometimes longer in peak season (September through December). Neither e-mail nor snail mail addresses are given out to the public for any reason without requesting the consent of the member first.
Please press send and wait a moment or two for the order to be registered on our server. Thank you!
If technical difficulties arise, Please email Gary D'Ornellas: for confirmation.