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Types of Rosellas
Green Rosellas are found in Tasmania and some islands of Bass Strait. They have a very high ringing call; three piercing whistles, the second note the highest: "whee - white - whee".
The Green Rosella utilises most Tasmanian habitats, except treeless moorlands and farmlands cleared of trees.
The Crimson Rosella is endemic to forests and woodlands of eastern Australia.
In North Queensland it is a scarce resident of upland rainforests. Unlike southern populations, there is no distinctive immature plumage.
Like other Rosellas, adults form permanent pairs that maintain close contact all year. These pairs and their young may form small groups.
The loudest call is a brassy "Kweek kweek".
Small flocks are observed regularly around the Atherton Tableland.
Keep same nesting place.
Food is mainly seeds obtained from a great variety of plants, including herbs on tall trees. It is easiest to observe while feeding on the ground in open areas. The young beg for food.
Rosellas feed on a wide range of exotic and native seeds and fruit both on the ground and in the trees.
Breeding adults nest in the tree hollows. The female lays up to five or eight eggs and is fed by the male while she waits for them to hatch. They make nests out of the eucalyptus trees. Female has a green head and chest and as less colour than the male.
Location - Habitat
The parrot family can be divided into various groups.
Adelaide Rosella, yellow Rosella found in all populations flaveolus.
Crimson Rosella found in elegans, nigrescens.
Green Rosella utilises most Tasmanian habitats, except treeless moorlands and farmlands cleared of trees.
Western Rosella, diverse, from tall wet Karri to dry woodland well inland towards the Nullabor.
Eastern Rosella, woodlands with scattered trees but mainly grassy groundcover, farmlands westcourse trees, croplands, parks, gardens; generally more open environs than Crimson Rosella, usually below 1200 meters.
Lots of (eg.) green, yellow, blue, red and orange.
A curved beak, pointy on the end.
The Green Rosella can get to the size of 32 - 38 cm.
The Crimson Rosella can get to 32 - 37 cm.
The Yellow Rosella gets to 31 - 35 cm.
Adelaide Rosella get to 34 - 35 cm.
Crimson Rosella comes in a lovely dark blue.