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The Rose-Ringed Parakeet, or Indian Ringneck, is classified as a parakeet. These birds have hooked beaks, long tails, and are moderately small. These characteristics classify them as parakeets; however, they are true parrots. These parrots are about 16 inches in length and they have a look that gives them a stealthy appearance.
Wild Ringnecks are green and tints of aqua can be seen during overcast days. These parrots have yellow that underlines their wing and tail feathers. Both males and females look very similar; however, the male has a black ring around his neck. His ring is highlighted with turquoise, pink, and blue. Although the female may have the impression of not having a ring, many will argue a slight green ring is visible.
Both sexes have large tails that are comprised of 12 large feathers. The two largest tail feathers, which are blue, make up for a large part of the parrot’s size. These elaborate tails can extend as much as 7 inches outward, females usually 6 inches outward. Because these parrots are mostly green, they are very difficult to spot during roosting or perching in trees. Most of the time, the presence of these parrots can be given away through their contact or alarm calls.
Indian Ringnecks are native to Asia and Africa and can be seen in the forests or arid environments. It’s not uncommon to see them thrive in urban areas as well. They have established colonies in environments which are not native to them, some major points of interest include California, Florida, and the UK. These birds are believed to cause major damage to crops; however, little evidence has been published to prove this accusation. Rose-Ringed Parrots can be seen in rural areas feeding from birdfeeders or relaxing in parks.
Ringnecks are intelligent parrots and DO make great pets. They learn concepts quickly and love to show off. Along with being intelligent, they are great at talking. Quaker Parakeets are known for their talking ability; however, a Ringneck can speak with clarity that’s phenomenal. These birds are truly masters at talking for their size and can easily compete with Quakers, Grays, and Amazons.