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The Button Quail

Button quail are easy keepers and prolific breeders, if their basic requirements are met. These little Quail are the most charming little game birds, and well suited to almost any bird collection.

Today, the Button Quail buyer now has more than 15 different color varieties to choose from. Here is a list of some of the different varieties:

The Blueface
The Cinnamon
The Fawn
The Golden Pearl
The Redbreasted
The Silver
The Splashed-Button
The White Button. This variety should be solid white with no other coloring.

Button Quail can sometimes be found in pet stores. I would be very careful about purchasing these Quail. Ask for records of where they came from, if they have no records, I would not purchase them. Purchasing Button Quail from a pet store could result in Quail that are highly inbred. I would recommend purchasing them from a Button Quail breeder.

Since Button Quail are so small and cute, some people will purchase them to raise in their homes as pets. Even though these little quail can be quite hyper and will need a couple of hiding places because buttons are easily scared. With proper care, time and effort they can become very tame and make great little pets.

The miniature button quail can also be kept in fish tanks. Because button quail are quite active, it is not uncommon for them to track through their droppings. So you should keep some type of slip proof covering or litter on the floor. Something that is easy to maintain.

Buttons also need grit and minerals like many birds to help their digestion and stay healthy.

Button quail can be scrappy amongst themselves. You will have to keep a close eye on this, because the picking can result in injury or death. Providing hiding places in their cages can help prevent this situation. If picking would become a problem separation or debeaking may be required.

One important thing to keep in mind, when keeping Button Quail in your home as pets. The Button Quail life span is normally 4 to 5 years. This life span can be reduced quite dramatically if you don't follow a couple rules.

When raising Quail, two things have to come together for them to lay eggs. If they are receiving proper food and care.
The amount of light hours they receive per day.
The right temperature.

So if you are raising the Button Quail in your home, they are going to receive this right combination all year round. If not addressed you females will then lay eggs all year. Laying eggs does take a lot of them. So my advice would be to give them atleast a 3 month break per year.

You do this by cutting down on the amount of light they receive. This is best done as a gradual process. You are the only one who really knows the combination of daylight hours and electric light hours that are accumulated in your home.

Whatever this amount may be, you will need to gradually reduce the amount your Quail are receiving by covering them. Systematically reduce the hours of light they are receiving on a daily basis, until they are down to no more than 8 hours per day. Then keep them at that amount of light for at least 3 months for rejuvenation. Once the 3 month rest period is over, just reverse the process. Doing this will help their productivity and help them live a full life. If you never want them laying eggs, just cover them after 8 hours of light everyday.

When raising Button Quail for reproduction, it is possible that they would hatch their own eggs. This would depend on the proper type of housing and nesting area provided. But I believe most breeders will incubate.

When pairing your breeders to reproduce. There are just some variables that have to come together that you can't see. Things like compatible and fertile breeders. Their diet is also very important. This is the one thing you do have complete control over. So make sure your breeder Button Quail are receiving a proper breeder diet.

If you do use an incubator, make sure to follow all proper incubation procedures. Button Quail should hatch in about 16 days, however you can wait until day 22, by then they would have hatched if they were going to.

Button quail are about the size of a large Easter chicken chick at adult size...

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