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The Blue Front Amazon

Courtesy of Todd McLean, Look Who'sTalking Aviaries
The Blue Front Amazon makes an excellent pet. They are animated and playful and have a great talent for talking. They have softer, quieter voices than the Yellow Napes and Double Yellow Heads, and are wonderfully steady companions. Unlike the Yellow Crown varieties, the Blue Front shows almost all of their adult coloration with the first set of feathers.
Length: 13 - 17 inches. The feathers of the blue front is generally bright green to olive-greenand are edged with black. Forehead of the blue front is just that: blue. Their head and face are yellow.
The yellow may be washed with blue and green down the cheeks. Shoulders vary between the species. A.a. aestivate will have pure red shoulders.
A.a. xanthopteryx will have red mixed with more or less yellow. Both have red marks at the secondary wing feathers. Wings: Primaries dark green to dark gray with a bluish shine at the outer web, the secondaries have a red mark. The red band in the tail and the red marks of the secondaries join into a red semicircle when the bird is "on display" with a spread tail. There is a great variation in colors between individual blue front amazons. Their beak is black, and legs are gray. Their iris is red-orange.
Psittaciformes / Aratingidae / Amazoninae / Amazona / A. aestiva
A.a. aestiva; A.a. xanthopteryx.
A.a. aestiva: Eastern Brazil
A.a. xanthopteryx: Northern and eastern Bolivia, Paraguay to northern Argentina